Rayko Daskalov

Rayko Daskalov

Minister of finance during

16.04 - 21.05.1920

1886 - 1923

Born: Byala Cherkva, Tarnovo district

1903 - 1908: Finished the Secondary school of Commerce in Svishtov and majored in Financial Science in Berlin.

1913 - 1916: Took active part in BAPU activities. Opposed Bulgaria's participation in the wars.

1916: Sentenced to jail in the Declusiere Affair trial.

1918: After the break-through of English and Friench troops at Dobro Pole he was freed together with Stamboliyski. They were set the task to convince the mutinous soldiers to go back to the front. He took the lead of the mutiny. Declared as commander-in-chief of Radomir Republic forces. Seriously wounded when the uprising was defeated. Emigrated to Greece. Granted amnesty after the armistice was announced.

1919 - 1923: Minister of Agriculture and State Properties, Minister of Trade, Industry and Labor, Minister of Foreign Affairs and National Health and Head of the Ministry of Finance in Stamboliyski’s Cabinet. MP in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Ordinary National Assemblies.

1923: Minister plenipotentiary in Prague. Leader of the Emigrant representation of BAPU after the 9th of June coup d’etat.

Editor with the “Zemedelsko Zname” newspaper.

1923: Killed by IMRO functionary in Prague.

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