\"Already in the spring we have written to ECOFIN about a different way of excise duties calculation not only for petrol but for all other energy products\", Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Simeon Djankov said in an interview for the New Television program \"Zdravey, Bulgaria\" (Hello, Bulgaria). He clarified that the proposal would be launched for consideration in October this year. Djankov added that the chance for Bulgaria to change its rates was minimal as already during the negotiation period the country had made a commitment to harmonize its rates. For such a change an approval would be needed, in some cases even referendums, in the other 26 EU Member States, Djankov clarified. \"However, it is worth trying because there are seven-eight other states except Bulgaria, mainly in Eastern Europe, that are working with us\", the Finance Minister added. \"There is no way Bulgaria to prevail over the EU, but even if there is a change in calculating excise duties, this cannot happen before January 2014\", he stated explicitly.
The Minister of Finance also commented on the report from the inspection of the Bulgarian Volleyball Federation performed by the State Financial Inspection Agency. \"It has again proved that the matter is about irregularities amounting to several hundred thousand lev\", Djankov said. The Federation had a time limit to object in writing but they did not do it, which meant that they agreed with the violations found, the Minister added. \"It should be entirely reconsidered how to allocate money to sports. In the past few years we have given more than BGN 100 million for sports. An end should be put to this practice\", the Finance Minister said. Minister Djankov expressed the opinion that the financing of the preparation for the Olympics should be centralized and the money for the preparation should not go through the federations.
Simeon Djankov commented also the topic about the financial discipline of municipalities. According to him the policy of previous governments to give money to financially undisciplined municipalities at the end of the year should be changed. \"We wish to give more funds to municipalities such as Burgas and others that manage well their finances because we know that they will use them well\", argued Minister Djankov.