In the period 24-27 September 2012 the Ministry of Finance is hosting a study tour of internal auditors from Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Tajikistan, Republic of Georgia, and Republic of Armenia.
The training is conducted within the framework of the Public Expenditure Management Peer-Assisted Learning network (PEM PAL) - an organization supporting reforms in public expenditure and financial management in twenty one countries from Europe and Central Asia.
The goal of the study tour is to acquaint the guests with the internal control and internal audit system in Bulgaria by providing them with the legislation, methodology and practices in this field. The Bulgarian experience will allow the foreign auditors to raise the specialists\' potential for improving legislation, methodology and therefore upgrade the practice of internal audit public bodies in their countries.
Today and tomorrow the participants will get familiar with the organization of internal control and internal audit, the functions of the central harmonization units within the Internal Control Directorate and the internal audit activity in the MoF. The program also envisages for them to acquaint themselves also with the functions and practices of the State Financial Inspection Agency.
In the period 26-27 September the internal auditors from the four countries will visit the internal audit units in seven ministries and the National Social Security Institute. During the meetings they will familiarize themselves with the practices of strategic and annual planning, implementation of audit engagements, filling out the audit documents, discussion of audit cases, etc.