15 municipalities from the region took part in yet another information day under OPAC about the new project competition aimed at municipalities. It became clear at the event in Plovdiv that municipalities from this region which have already been OPAC beneficiaries are willing and are ready to apply under sub-priority 1.1 "Effective structure of public administration" of the new procedure. "In order to avoid the risk of double financing, however, those municipalities may apply as a target group only or through appointing experts for participation in projects of other municipalities", clarified the Head of the Managing Authority of OPAC when opening the information day. Almost ten media representatives broadcast the event.
26 projects of the South Central Region totaling BGN 11.5 million have been approved thus far under Operational Programme Administrative Capacity. Almost BGN 7 million has been disbursed for activities already implemented under these projects. Municipality of Plovdiv alone manages two Programme projects to the amount of almost BGN 1 million.
The greatest number of OPAC projects have been approved in the municipalities of Plovdiv and Pazardzhik (7 projects each), 5 projects are being implemented in the municipality of Haskovo, 4 in the municipality of Smolyan and 3 in Kardzhali. These are projects of municipalities, courts and NGOs.
The information days continue this week in the towns of Bourgas, Varna, Lovech and Vratsa.