European Investment Bank

The European Investment Bank (EIB) was established in 1958 by the Treaty of Rome with the mission to support the achievement of the objectives and priorities of the European Union (EU) through long-term financing of investment projects as well as to promote economic, social and territorial cohesion in the Union. The EIB Group is composed of the EIB and the European Investment Fund (EIF) – the Bank’s arm for venture capital financing of SMEs and mid-caps across Europe.

The shareholders of the bank are the EU Member States. Each Member State’s share of the bank’s capital is determined on the basis of its economic potential within the EU (expressed in GDP). The amount of the subscribed share capital of the Republic of Bulgaria is 0.21% of the capital of the bank, or EUR 510 041 217.

The EIB has three decision-making bodies: The Board of Governors, which is composed of the Ministers of Finance and/or the Economy of the EU Member States, the Board of Directors and the Management Committee. The Board of Governors determines the general lines of operation of the Bank, the Board of Directors is responsible for the strategic management and the Management Committee is responsible for the day-to-day management of the EIB.

The EIB is the bank of the European Union and provides long-term financing for sound and sustainable investment projects to support EU policy objectives both inside and outside the EU. The EIB activities are focused on six priority areas: climate and environmental sustainability, innovation and skills, infrastructure, access to finance for small enterprises, cohesion and development. The Bank operates in more than 160 countries within and outside Europe. The major part of EIB financing (around 90% of total financing) is aimed at promoting sustainable growth and job creation in the European Union Member States. The activity of the bank outside the EU is carried out through a dedicated arm of the Bank – EIB Global.

The EIB is financially independent and the bulk of the credit resources is attracted on international capital markets through bond issuances. The Bank provides loans to both the public sector and private companies, offering a wide range of financial products on favourable terms. To ensure maximum effect, the EIB combines its own resources with EU funds and provides technical assistance for project development and implementation and financial advice.

In Bulgaria, the EIB supports investments in the areas of energy, transport, pharmaceutical and food industry, regional and municipal development, water supply and sanitation, municipal waste treatment, environment, satellite technologies, R&D activities and development of new products and solutions, etc. The bank supports the absorption of European Structural and Investment Funds by including its resources in the national co-financing of projects implemented under the Operational Programmes, and provides technical assistance for the effective preparation and implementation of projects financed under the Operational Programmes.

In recent years, the EIB has been active in providing loans to the private sector through intermediary banks to finance projects for SMEs and mid-caps. Companies wishing to apply for funding can get familiar with the EIB’s activities and the conditions for financing on the bank’s website at:

The EIB’s headquarters are located in Luxembourg; the bank has a network of more than 50 offices in the countries all around the world.

The address of the EIB’s headquarters in Luxembourg is as follows:

European Investment Bank

98 -100, boulevard Konrad Adenauer

L-2950 Luxembourg

Tel.: (+352) 43 79 – 1

Fax: (+352) 43 77 04

The address of the EIB Group office in Bulgaria is as follows:

9 Moskovska Str.

1000 Sofia

Tel.: (+359 2) 9077900

Fax: (+359 2) 9264200


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