No 1704 Receipt of a notice for printing of tickets, cards and season tickets for the transportation of passengers
- Title of the administrative service and unique identification code according to the Register of Services
№ 1704 Receipt of a notice for printing of tickets, cards and season tickets for the transportation of passengers
- Legal basis for the provision of the administrative service/ the issuance of the individual administrative act:
Article 11 of the Ordinance on the Terms and Procedure for Securities Printing and Control
- Authority providing the administrative service:
Ministry of Finance
- Information about Administrative Services Centre (ASC), address, e-mail, telephone, working hours
Administrative Services Centre (ASC) at the Ministry of Finance, Entrance for Citizens – from G. Benkovski Str., Room No 1, ground floor
Switchboard: 02/9859 2634, 9859 2639
Working hours: from 9.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Monday through Friday
- Procedure for the provision of the administrative service; requirements and documents needed:
Any person wishing to print tickets, cards and season tickets for the transportation of passengers shall submit to the Ministry of Finance a notice under Article 11 of the Ordinance on the Terms and Procedure for Securities Printing and Control. When the person is not a carrier, attached to the notice shall be a copy of the documents, on the grounds of which the application for printing of securities is made. Attached to the notice shall also be a copy of the model of securities, which must bear the name of the issuer. Securities are printed in accordance with standards set and models approved, and where there are no such standards or models, they are printed based on a design of their issuer or on a design of a specialised printing house. When the securities are printed in the country, the persons shall send a copy of the notice to the specialized printing works at their choice.
Specialised printing works:
– Printing Works of the Bulgarian National Bank JSC – Sofia, 117, Tsarigradsko Chaussee;
– Demax AD – Sofia, Gorublyane;
– Demax – Holograms AD – Sofia, Gorublyane;
– Demax DPI AD – Sofia, Gorublyane, 16, Abagar Str.;
– Dunav press JSC – Ruse, 129, Lipnik Blvd.;
– EA AD – Pleven, 43, San Stefano Str. –
– Offset EOOD – Sofia, 20, Ravnishte Str.
- Model forms to be filled in for the provision of the administrative service:
Model form of a Notice for printing of tickets, cards and season tickets on paper for the transportation of passengers where the issuance thereof is mandatory according to a legal act.
- Ways of requesting the service:
On the spot in the Administrative Services Centre (ASC, Room No 1) of the Ministry of Finance; via a licensed postal operator, by fax, or electronically on the following address: and
, as specified in item 8.
- Information about the provision of the service by electronic means:
The Ministry of Finance uses a qualified certificate for qualified electronic signature as electronic identification means in accordance with Article 3(12) of REGULATION (EU) No 910/2014 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 23 July 2014.
а) level of service provision: level 3;
- b) web address of the form to be used for requesting the service:;
- c) web address for ex-officio requesting of the service: via the single gateway for access to electronic administrative services at;
- d) type of service: primary.
- Period of validity of the document/the individual administrative act:
- Payment:
No payment is to be made for the service.
For the printing of securities under financial control a fee shall be due, amounting to 5% of the cost of finished goods /less VAT/ as per the calculation made by the printing works manufacturing them, in line with Article 8 of Tariff No 12 on the fees collected by the Ministry of Finance under the Stamp Duty Act, adopted by CMD No 55 of 1993.
The sum shall be transferred before receipt of the printed securities /for securities printed in another country – before financial control is exercised/ to the following account:
BNB – Central Office
IBAN – BG35 BNBG 9661 30 001484 01
to the benefit of the Ministry of Finance
- Authority exercising control over the activity of the authority providing the service:
Pursuant to Article 10(2)(10) of the Structural Regulations of the Ministry of Finance, „the Secretary General of the Ministry of Finance shall organise and supervise the activities related to the exercising of control over securities printing within the meaning of the Ordinance on the Terms and Procedure for Securities Printing and Control“.
- Procedure, including deadlines for appealing the activities of the authority providing the service:
Not subject to appeal.
- E-mail for suggestions in relation to the service:
- Ways of receiving the result:
Within 10 days of receipt of the notice of securities printing, the Ministry of Finance shall prepare and send a letter of order to the printing works chosen by the issuer. A copy of the letter of order shall be sent to the person that had submitted the notice of securities printing in one of the following ways:
- Via a licensed postal operator.
- In person, or via an authorised person, at the ASC at the Ministry of Finance.
- Via e-mail.
- Subject area of the regime; body before which the individual administrative act is appealed, and e-mail for suggestions related to an alleviation of the regime:
Economic activity: securities. No individual administrative act is issued upon service provision. E-mail for suggestions related to the alleviation of the regime: и