National Strategy for Financial Literacy and its Action Plan (2021-2025)

The National Strategy for Financial Literacy of the Republic of Bulgaria (the Strategy) was developed within a working group with broad representation, using also the technical support of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and the Ministry of Finance of the Netherlands. The support is provided within a joint 5-year project (2018-2022) in the field of financial literacy, as the Ministry of Finance is a coordinator for the country.

The strategy is accompanied by an Action Plan for the period 2021-2025 (the Plan) which covers the main and the top priority activities to be carried out in the following years in order to increase the level of financial literacy.

The Strategy and the Plan were adopted by the Decision of the Council of Ministers as of 10 February 2021. It is envisaged annual reporting to the Council of Ministers on their implementation. The annual progress reports on the implementation of the measures of the Action Plan (2021-2025) can be found here - 2021, 2022 and 2023.





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