Tax Policy Analysis and Accounting Legislation Division

Tax Policy Analysis and Accounting Legislation Division performs the following main functions:

  • Forecast of tax revenues to the state budget - prepare and improve quantitative analytical computer models for forecasting state budget revenues by sources of revenues; tax revenue execution forecasting - extrapolation while preserving the external environment and with forecast data presuming changes in the external environment. Forecast justification- internal and external causes;
  • Summary and analysis of information flows related to budget revenue performance - collection, arrangement and summary of information about the on-going state budget performance and making of monthly analyses with summarized data and by specific type of source of revenue; prepare an analysis of the current execution of the state budget; making of analyses, assessments and forecasts for the management of the Ministry of Finance, as well as with regard to the work of any missions of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and other international financial institutions; forecast of expected state budget performance at the end of the planning period;
  • Participation in the preparation of the revenue side of the medium-term budget forecast, as well as in the application of the system of own resources of the European Union in determining Bulgaria's contribution to the EU budget;
  • Participation in the drafting of the annual report and of the report on the state budget performance in terms of revenues, as well as in the elaboration of strategic documents related to the state budget within the competence of the Directorate;
  • Analysis, development and proposition of tax measures and instruments to combat tax fraud and tax evasion and to improve budget revenues;
  • Preparation of impact assessments of draft legislative acts in the area of taxes and accounting as well as in relation to the existing tax and accounting legislation;
  • Preparation of reports and forecasts for the tax expenditures;
  • Participation in the updating of the European Commission's the "Taxes in Europe" database (TEDB) for Bulgaria;
  • Preparation of opinions and positions on working documents as well as participation in OECD working groups, committees and meetings in the field of Tax system analysis and tax statistics;
  • Participation in the provision of annual information on tax revenues in the Republic of Bulgaria for the Global Revenue Statistics Database of the OECD;
  • Preparation of draft legislative acts in the field of the accounting of real sector enterprises;
  • Preparation of instructions, opinions and answers to written inquiries about the implementation in practice of the accounting legislation and National Accounting Standards;
  • Preparation of opinions on draft legislative acts prepared by other directorates of the Ministry of Finance, ministries and departments on accounting issues;
  • Participation in the process of transposition of the EU legislation to the national legislation in the field of accounting of real sector enterprises;
  • Participation in preparation of framework positions drafts for Bulgaria on projects of European legislation the field of accounting and financial transaction tax;
  • Preparation of opinions and draft positions in the field of accounting legislation and financial transaction tax for the ECOFIN Council meetings;
  • Preparation of opinions and draft positions in the field of accounting legislation and financial transaction tax for the meetings of the working groups and committees to the Council of the EU and to the European Commission;
  • Participation in the meetings the working groups and committees of the European Commission and the Council of the EU in the field of accounting and financial transaction tax
  • Drafting of papers and participation in the meetings of the EU Affairs Council in the area of accounting and coordination of the activity of the "Accounting Policy" subgroup under working party 27: Accounting and Independent Financial Audit;
  • Enters notifications of national legislative acts transposing the requirements of the EU to the electronic system of the European Commission for notification of national measures of execution in the area of accounting and financial transaction tax;
  • Preparation of draft positions and provision of information and papers needed for the information and pre-court stages of the infringement procedures launched by the European Commission as well as proposals for amendments to the accounting legislation to address any inconsistencies;
  • Participation in the drafting of positions of the Republic of Bulgaria in relation to court proceedings launched in the European Court of Justice and preliminary ruling references to the Court in the field of accounting;
  • Participation in the alignment of drafts of international agreements on accounting issues.

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